University Packing List

It is September so I'm sure a lot of you are getting ready to go to university for the first time and are unsure as to what you actually need to pack. It's so tempting to just bring your entire bedroom or something just in case you might need it but in reality you probably will not touch it for an entire year. As I have been in university for two years now. I thought I'd give you a guys a list of what you should definetly bring to university.

1. Important Documents

There are a few important documents that you do not want to forget before going to university. Don't forget your passport and some other form of ID because you may need some ID before getting university and also you will need ID if you are planning on drinking. Don't forget any important letters you've had from the university before you've arrived (including your acceptance letter) because you may need those and it's best to keep them all together. Take your student loan forms as well as any forms involving any bursaries etc. so you know when your student loan is going in and out so you can keep track of it all. Another thing is all your accomdation forms and your contract. You've probably received letters about your accomdation and when the rent is going out. You will need these for wanting to gain access to your new bedroom. Have access to all your bank details and have your bank card because you'll probably have to sort your own finances out from now on so just have all your details in case you have an emergency. Have your National Insurance Number on hand with you because you may need it as well. I would recommend having a folder or a box file to keep all your important documents together because you do not want to lose any of them so it's best to have a store them somewhere you can easily find. Take your student discount cards like your 16-25 Railcard or NUS card because they are super helpful in getting student discounts (I would highly recommend getting a railcard because you'll want to get discount on your train journeys for when you go home.)

2. Bedding

You're going to need some bedding as most university accomadation won't provide any so bring your own duvet, pillows, covers, sheets, blankets and a mattress protector. Just don't forget your bedding and you're on your way to a good start for university. Bring a spare set of bedding for when your other set is the wash. Always handy to have a back up.

3. Kitchen Stuff

Now while you're at university you are probably going to cook some things so you're going to need all the essentials for that. So bring the basics like a saucepan, a frying pan, a baking tray, wooden spoon, spatula, whisk, mixing bowl, measuring jug, colander, chopping board, a sharp knife, cheese grater, vegetable peeler. Bring cutlery like forks, knives, spoons and teaspoon as well as plates, bowls, mugs and glasses. Don't forget tea towels, washing up liquid, sponge or brush or clothe used for washing up as you will also have to do your own washing up. You can bring some added extras too the kitchen but these are pretty much the basics.

4. Stationary

Obviously the whole point of going to university is to actually do work so you're going to need some stationary. You will need a notebook to take notes in lectures. It's up to you how many you bring. Me personally I prefer an A5 notebook as it's easier to carry and make notes on. You may want to bring a binder, dividers as well as polly pockets to organise your notes in if you wish. Don't forget your usual stationary like pens, pencils, ruler, rubber, sharpener, highlighter and coloured pens. Don't forget scissors, glue and sellotape as they are always handy to have. Another thing to remember is some drawing pins as you'll probably have a pinboard in your bedroom and a holepunch is always handy too. Don't forget a diary or planner to make a note of your assignment deadlines as well as post it notes as they're always good to have.

5. Bathroom Stuff

Now I'm not here to judge but honestly you'll probably make more friends if your personal hygiene is good. You should bring at least two towels, toothbrush and toothpaste as well as your 5.shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soap etc. Don't forget to bring some kind of deodrant as well so that you smell nice. You can bring bodyspray or perfume. Bring a hairdryer as well because it can be used to dry your hair as well as an iron. Also bring some other hair styling tools if you want to. It's really up to you what you bring for your daily skin care, make up, hair routine. I'd recommend bring your own toilet paper as well just in case and ladies don't forget the essentials you need for that time of the month. Pack a first aid kit with parecetemol, ibuprofen, plasters, antiseptic cream, cough medicine, throat lonzengers and condoms (the most important just in case). You may want to bring febreeze or another air freshener just so your room or the bathroom smells nice.

6. Bedroom stuff

Now I've already talked about bedding as that's kind of important but you're going to need some stuff for your room. Definetly bring a laundry basket as you will need somewhere to keep your dirty laundry and you'll probably take it to the launderette so make it easy to carry. Another thing is definetly coat hangers as you'll probably get a wardrobe in your room and the university is not going to provide you with coat hangers so definetly bring several coat hangers. Get yourself an actual alarm clock because it's all good an well using your phone but it's always handy to just have an actual alarm clock as well. Do bring some decorations for your bedroom because you're going to be living there for a year so make it your own room as it is actually comforting looking around and seeing your room decorated just how you want it. Bring decorations like pictures of your memories, posters, fairy lights. Decorations really does make a difference. Don't forget the blutac if you are putting posters and pictures up. Another thing people may not think about is a mirror. Do bring your own mirror as there may be a mirror in your bedroom but it might be too small or in an inconveniant place (like over the sink) so do bring your own. Another thing is entertainment for yourself so do bring books, dvds, games for yourself because you'll probably have a lot of days spent in your bedroom.

7. Electricals

The most important thing to have is a laptop. It is so handy to have a laptop to do your work on. Your university will probably have computers in the library which you could use to do your work but honestly I would invest in getting a laptop to do your work because it is so handy and you don't have to rely on trying to get a computer in the library as normally most if not all of them will be taken up by other students so just get yourself a laptop to do all your work in. Don't forget to have a memory stick to back up your work on because your laptop may crash and you do not want to lose all your work. Bring a TV and maybe a game console because you may have some boring days and it can work as a DVD player plus some game consoles have iPlayers and Netflix so they are perfect for movie nights. I know this is not elctrical but do bring some DVDs/TV Boxsets to watch as well because they can fill up any boring time you might have. I'd recommend bringing a desk lamp because your room may not have one and they are handy for late nights doing work when you don't want to use the main light.  Also bring an extension lead because your room may just have one or two plugs so you may want to have some more.

Anyway, that's about it for now. I'm sure there are plenty of other things you can think of too pack like grocerys and cleaning supplies (if you want a tidy room that is). I've just pretty much covered the basics which should be helpful to any of you moving in to your university accomadation.

I wish you good luck if you are heading to university soon and I have one final university related post for you guys tomorrow which will be advice for the move in day which should be helpful to you guys heading off to university.

See you then.

Megan x


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