Blogging Thoughts

I was just sitting at my mum's dining room table this morning. Home alone and surrounded by laundry as well as the remains of what I had for a breakfast. An empty bowl and half a mug of lukewarm coffee (which I will still drink because coffee.) Here's a picture of my current view right now.

Yeah. This is literally my view right now. It's not the standard Instagram worthy blogging photo but oh well. It's real. It may not be perfect but this is currently what I'm living as I write this. If you're wondering why I'm sitting here and not in my bedroom is because I was eating my breakfast here while on my laptop but also because I'm actually waiting for an amazon delivery which is for my friend back at university. Her birthday was in August but I'm not seeing her until I go back to university in a few days time so yeah. I'm actually writing this post on the 12th September at eleven o'clock in the morning but you won't see this post until the week I go back to university which is actually on the next Monday after this post goes up. This may or may not make sense to you but it makes sense to me. Sort of.

Anyway, I didn't necessarily want to make this post about me. Even though I kind of just did but actually I wanted to talk about blogging. Now I've mentioned many times about how much I love blogging. Just look at previous posts to do with blogging which I've done and you'll see. I mean obviously I love blogging because I'm making this random post which may not interest anyone really but I'm still writing it because this is my blog and I can write whatever I want. That's the thing about blogging. Anyone can blog about anything. It doesn't matter really. As long as the person blogging is happy with what they're writing then that's all that really matters.

For all you readers who are thinking of starting a blog or even newish blogger who are just starting out. Just go for it. Write about something your passionate about. Maybe look at other blogs for inspiration. Maybe take an idea of someone else's blog post but make it original and about you. There's loads of routes you can go down for blogging. You can start a beauty blog, a travel blog, a food blog, a lifestyle blog. Anything really. Mine is just a simple lifestyle blog but I write about all sorts of things. The main thing for me is that I'm enjoying it. I get a satisfaction when I'm typing out a blog post and it's coming along nicely. It makes me more happy to know that I've planned my posts ahead of when I actually post them. At the moment I have five blog posts scheduled to be published which makes me super happy. I used to never be this organised with my blog before. I used to just make a post then post it the very same day with no real plan for other posts.

That's a thing maybe new bloggers who are coming into blogging and all bloggers should do. Just make a few posts ahead of time and when you have a reasonable amount like five or six blog posts which are pretty much ready to be published then publish them within time then you can create more blog posts ahead of schedule. This means that if you have one of those days where you're just not in the mood to blog but you haven't updated your blog in a few days then you can just post one of your blog posts which you created a while ago when you did have the motivation to blog. Just create some back up blog posts for yourself when you have days when you don't feel like blogging but you want to show your readers that you are consistent with your blog. If you're consistent with your blog and post regularly then you'll probably get more readers because they know you are regular uploader and may just stick around to read your blog more. Try to also make some of your posts relatable to your readers. For example I'm a university student so I give my own advice and tips about university to my readers because I've experienced it and I can gurantee that some of my readers are probably students who may find my advice helpful or they are just interested in what I have to say. Just make your blog about you. It's your blog. The more personal to the writer the blog is the better. It shows originality and that you're not some blogger who posts like every other blogger. Blog some original stuff but if you are at a loss or have blogger's block then do a post which other bloggers have done but add your own take on it. Don't just copy. Be original in what you write.

Anyway, this was just a random post on my thoughts and feelings recently about blogging which I thought I'd share. There's no real purpose to it but I hope some of you enjoyed reading and maybe took something from it. Thank you by the way if you do take the time to read my blog posts. It means a lot to me that people take the time to look at my blog and read a post I've written. Just recently I saw my blog had passed over 13,000 page views which is just crazy to me but I am so grateful. I've seen that the majority of you come from the UK, USA, Russia, Germany, France, Portugal, Ireland and many more places across the world. I can't actually believe that other people from different countries have actually seen my blog. Whether you've read one post or a few of my posts. It means a lot to me and I plan on continuing to make posts on this blog for you all wherever you are in the world. I just want to say to you all reading this: Thank you. It means a lot.

All I have to say now though is I'll be back soon with another blog post. Probably on Monday as that's when I return to my university house and it's the start of my third year journey which I am both nervous and excited about. I'll definitely update you all about.

See you then.

Megan x


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